If you'd like to get straight into finding albums to listen, you can visit my Youtube Channel. Content I've posted aside, I have several playlists attached to my account that are great for noise and PE fans.
Here's a few accounts that are presently posting fantastic albums, go support them.
If you're more interested in reviews and deepdives, consider these channels instead.
- "Must-Visit sites", variety of bookmarked spots highly recommended for finding obscure artists and direct access to their works
- "Musik reads", purely reading material mostly about Noise or other related genres (Industrial, Power Electronics, Harsh Noise Wall, etc), ranges from professional to casual writtings
- "Album Downloads", self-explainitory, with the additional benefit of not having to wait for me to post said album on youtube
There might be an additional "resource" page once I collect enough underrated tools, but for now, assume this layout is final.
- Active Abuse Noise, Industrial, PE and more, sometimes unrelated genres
- Dajluseko "Rankoid & playlists"
- drunkyokai, Random selections + lots of breakcore
- I'M ON FIRE PLEASE PUT ME OUT, Random selections
- philosophyofawifebeater, Abundance of PE, Harsh Noise, Ambient and more
- The Basement, Neofolk, Noise, Dark Ambient, and related genres
- White Centipede Noise, Music label releases + beloved artist interviews
- ThisMachineKillsMusic reviews and essays often about Industrial works, owns moon musiq label
- Alpha-27 reviews often about experimental music, also creates his own albums
- Sets and the CD deepdives into albums, artists, and disturbed people
- deep cuts fairly popular channel, great for introducing people into new genres
- "Noise, Japanoise, Dark Ambiance, Harsh Noise, Experimental, DeathDrone, Power Electronics, Death Industrial, Ritual, Harsh Noise Wall, Interviews" Self-explanitory, contains decade old youtube gems saved by Drazwin
- "Industrial/Powernoise" created by Vino Valentine
- "Albums I'll Be Listening To" what's Ryan Walrel listening to?
- "Power Electronics/Harsh Noise" lot of classic-styled PE from walkerheath47
- "NOISE" -could be an international language proven by flower
- "怖い曲 変な音楽 Weird Music Creepy Songs 〜Ver.A〜" a personal favourite made by 美鈴LAB